Friday, November 9, 2012

My Own Random Act of Kindness

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day in Waterloo Region.

I'll post on the day's events at a later time but for right now, a quick story of a random act of kindness that will touch me forever...

Late on a Friday afternoon I was at the pharmacy with two sick kids. One had a double ear infection and the other, infection in both eyes. We had dropped off the prescription and waited 30 minutes for it to be filled. When they finally called us up, the pharmacy assistant told me our drug plan didn't cover any of the cost of either drug. The bill was $78.

There was no way we could afford that cost and the pharmacist told me to have my doc call in a new prescription. Dejected, we turned and started walking out of the store when a woman ran up behind us saying "Excuse me!" When I turned to pull the boys out of the way, she looked at me and said, "Your prescription is ready to go now."

I walked back to the pharmacy counter and the people in line clapped as the woman who paid for those prescriptions pulled me into a hug. I couldn't say more than "Thank you" in a broken voice as the tears streamed down my face.

I'll never forget the face of that woman or that moment in time. Thank you again, my pharmacy hero.

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